MPS Apparel

MPS Lethal Injection T-Shirts
MPS Lethal Injection T-Shirt

Buy some extras for only $10.00 each or the best deal, 3 for $20.00!

Sizes Small and Medium Only

5/10/16: currently out of large and extra large sizes


MPS/JDRF “Racing For A Cure” T-Shirts
(ALL proceeds go to JDRF)

Limited stock remaining. The only sizes currently available are small and x-large.

Racing for the CureThese racing T-shirts were made in collaboration with “Tommy’s Troopers” (a walking team for the annual JDRF fund raiser), MPS racing and Thyen Racing. Dan and Beth (of MPS) and Mike Thyen (owner of the MPS/JDRF sponsored Pro Mod Suzuki Hayabusa) all have family members or children with Type 1 juvenile diabetes! We know the struggles of what life is like for children with this horrible disease. All of the proceeds from these T-shirts will go directly to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation! JDRF is the largest charitable foundation in the world with over 85% of all money raised going directly to research! There has been great strides made in making life more manageable with Type 1 diabetes but that is not a cure! A cure can only happen with your support!

Please take a moment of your time to watch this video about Tommy Thyen and his life with Type 1 diabetes!  

Please show your support and help us find a cure!

T-Shirts are $15 plus shipping.(payments can be made to MPS or Tommy’s Troopers)


MPS Make it Fast T-Shirts


MPS :Make it Fast" T-Shirt
MPS "Make It Fast" Shirt

Our last “Wired To Win” t-shirts have now become classic collectors items. We haven’t done shirts in 10 years. So, we figured it was time for a new look. The new shirts are Hanes Beefy Tees embroidered on both the front and back. That’s right no cheesy screen printing for us! They are available now in black with white stitching. The new ladies shirts are available in pink and black and the sweatshirts are available in black and royal blue. The front crest features the MPS logo. The back “Make It Fast!” graphic says you have the need for speed. You had better snap up a couple right now because stock is running quite low and you never know how long it’ll take us to do another one!

MPS SweatshirtMPS Lasies ShirtMPS Sweatshirt
MPS Ladies Tank TopMPS Ladies Tank TopMPS Embossed T-Shirt

Make it FastMPS Logo

Part Number

Description Racer Price


 MPS Lethal Injection T-Shirt Small



 MPS Lethal Injection T-Shirt Medium



 MPS Lethal Injection T-Shirt 3 Pack (please specify sizes)



 Racing For The Cure T-Shirt (only S or XL available - please specify size )



 MPS T-Shirt Make It Fast - Small



 MPS Make it Fast Sweatshirt Small Blue



 MPS Make it Fast Sweatshirt X-Large Blue



 MPS Ladies V-Neck Make it Fast Shirt - Large Black



 MPS Ladies Make it Fast Tank Top - Small Black



 MPS Ladies Make it Fast Tank Top - Medium Black



 MPS Ladies Make it Fast Tank Top - Large Black



 MPS T-Shirt Embossed - Small
